Mens Saturday Game 3.8.25 2025-03-08


Mens Saturday Game 3.8.25 for 2025-03-08

Mens Saturday Game - Tee Times will be from 8:00am to 10:30am.

Open to first 60 players to register.

Round invitation will be sent via Golfgenius. Contact the golf shop to be added to the Master Roster if you are not already receiving Golfgenius emails. 

Tee Times will be blind draw, and pairings will be sent by Thursday by 3pm.

Available Games (Optional):

$10 for Individual Net* (POY Points available)

$10 for Individual Gross* (POY Points available)

$10 for Senior Net* (50 years old+)(POY Points available)

$10 for Gross Skins

$10 for Net Skins - Flighted (full handicap)

*Minimum entry for at least one individual game required

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